
The University of Texas at Austin, USA (Sep 2024 - Current)
Bullard Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Information

As a Bullard Postdoctoral Research Fellow, I am collaborating with Dr. Jacek Gwizdka at the Information eXperience (IX) Lab. My research leverages neuro-physiological evidence to deepen our understanding of human-information interaction. As part of my fellowship, I plan to explore the use of real-time cognitive load detection algorithms in applied contexts.

Old Dominion University, USA (Jan 2019 - Aug 2024)
Graduate Assistant, Department of Computer Science

I currently collaborate with Learning, Innovation, & Technology Lab at Harvard University, to explore the relationship between joint visual attention and joint mental effort in collaborative learning environments by conducting a data analysis of eye tracking datasets. I also collaborated with Clemson University to detect cognitive load in real-time using pupillary activity. I also built models to estimate the rate of change of the academic web using archived copies of web pages.

I was a Teaching Assistant for the following courses.

  • CS441/541: App Development for Smart Devices (Spring 2020)
  • CS334: Computer Architecture (Fall 2020)
  • CS450T: Database (Fall 2020)
  • CS250: Problem Solving & Programming II (Spring 2021)
Los Alamos National Laboratory (Jun 2021 - Aug 2021, Jun 2022 - Aug 2022)
Summer Graduate Research Intern

I built a software to extract metadata (title, abstract, keywords, authors, affiliations) and full text from scholarly PDF documents in real-time. I also developed a website to review the extracted metadata.

University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (Jan 2018 - Jun 2018)
Teaching Assistant, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

I prepared course materials, conducted lectures, and graded student assignments for the course CS2963: Presentation Skills

UStocktrade (Pvt) Ltd, Sri Lanka (Jun 2017 - Dec 2017)
Software Engineering Intern

I developed a program to reduce documentation efforts by automating the API documentation generation based on code changes.